Monday, July 4, 2016

Its A Butterfly's Wings Can Be The Cause Of The Wind Of Tornado In Texas

The Butterfly effect, a theory that States its wings of butterflies in the amazon forest of Brazil can be the cause of the wind of tornado in Texas.

Its A Butterfly's Wings Can Be The Cause Of The Wind Of Tornado In Texas

A small gesture, or small errors in a system, can result in a big difference coming on. It is because of this nature is essentially a stack of simple system which then become systems are complicated and intertwined.

Presumably, the man and his way of life any way. Sometimes the simple things are done today, this time on the past, or will give you a great impact in the future. Small kindness in this period will bear great harvest in the future. Otherwise, errors or minor crimes today, can also bring great disaster in the future. The past is the Foundation of the future. What we do today will harden into the past, then it will be a cornerstone of the present and the future.

Therefore, the Rosululloh SAW reminded that we should not underestimate the slightest kindness. We never knew, could be the seeds of goodness that little tree a great favor in the future. Starting from smile, Interwoven is friendship. The friendship grew, there was a great fraternity.

So with malice. Small vices, proverbial spines are poisonous. We wouldn't know, would so bad what wounds suffered as a result. Therefore, the Rosululloh SAW reminded anyway so don't underestimate the slightest misdeed. Of course we don't forget with the story of a woman who imprisoned her cat, and eventually have to suffer in hell. Or the man who robs a fish, but impaled spikes and finally his hands decomposing and should in amputation.

So, there are many great things that starts from simple, don't underestimate the effort or practice simple, because in the future, he could have led to amazing results!

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