YES, Correct, Which YOUR BRAIN!. Quiet, ... all quiet, no need to panic, the next few years, there's been a seller of human brain milling about around the US. If our brain is damaged, we will easily replace it with a "superior" with reason: the OLD ONE ALREADY damaged.
Are You Interested In? Here I review some tips so that your brain quickly broken:
1. Not Want Breakfast
Many people underestimate the breakfast. But do not consume anything in the morning caused the decline of the sugar levels in the blood. This resulted in a lack of input of nutrients to the brain which eventually ended in the decline of the brain. The best breakfast in the morning is not a heavy foods such as fried rice special, but quite white water and a glass of fresh fruit juice. Concise and useful for the body!
2. Most Eat
Eating too much hardened vessels of the brain that usually leads people in declining mental powers. So eat in a normal portion. Familiarize yourself with how to stop eating before you're stuffed.
3. Smoke
If smoking has a myriad of bad effects, everyone would already know. And there is one more bad effects of smoking are revealed here. Smoke turned out to be so terrible on the brain! Imagine, the human brain can gradually shrink and end up losing its functions due to diligent suck it smoky. No doubt in old time even when still young though, we are prone to Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's is a disease of senile).
4. Consuming Too Much Sugar
Too much sugar intake will prevent the absorption of protein and nutrients so that the body malnutrition and disrupted brain development. Therefore, reduce the consumption of sugary foods.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the part of the body that are most heavily pervade the air. Too long in the environment by polluting air makes the brain works inefficiently.
6. Lack of Sleep
Sleep allows the brain to rest. Often neglect to sleep makes the brain cells become dead of exhaustion. But most also do not sleep because it could make you a slacker who slowly. We recommend that you sleep 6-8 hours a day in order to be healthy and fit.
7. Close The Head When Sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep is concentrated so polluted brain. Don't be surprised if eventually the brain becomes damaged.
8. Thinking Too Hard When You're Sick
Working hard or studying when the condition of the body was not fit too severe to NGO-not effective-ness of the brain. Already know are not healthy, you should take a break and do not forsir your brain.
9. Lack of Brain Stimulation
Thinking is the best way to train your brain works. Less thought would make the brain shrinks and finally not functioning optimally. Diligent reading, listening to music and playing (chess, scrabble, etc.) to make your brain used to think actively and creatively.
10. Rarely Talk
Intellectual conversations usually brings a nice effect on the working of the brain. So don't be too proud to be reticent. Chat quality is very good for your health.
How? already know the moves so fast your brain damaged? You can start whenever you want to. WHICH YOUR BRAIN!!!
Source: paankbilang.blogspot .com