Blood cancer can be healed? THE REAL STORY ... Please do not be ignored and don't forget to SHARE this right because it might help people much Insha ALLAH.
This story was obtained from Riyadh Saudi Arabia. In the village of Huraimla, there is a woman who's been stated by Doctor exposed to blood cancer, his physical condition was not able to do anything. To take care of himself and meet all the requirements, he's bringing helpers from Indonesia. This helper is a devout religious woman.
One week after work, the employer felt his job was considered good. Women employers always pay attention to what he was doing. One time the Employer noticed strange behavior the maid. These aides so often into the bathroom and dwelt long enough.
With gentle words said the Employers asked. "What art thou doing in the bathroom?" Maid that didn't answer, but instead crying covenanting that thereafter. The employer be pity and then comfort her while asking what actually happened.
Eventually the boy then tells the story that he recently gave birth to her son 20 days. Because of the insistence of the economy that he had to leave for work as the labor of women in Saudi Arabia.
"I had to throw out my mother's milk, if not discarded my chest feels claustrophobic and full as it is not taken by my son."
Breast milk that builds up and it doesn't flow right that is what makes it so ill have to be squeezed and thrown away in the bathroom.
"Subhanallah, you fight for Your children and family," said employers. It turns out that his employer is not as bad as reported in the newspapers or television. Immediately the employer giving his salary in full for 2 years in accordance with the contract and the contract gave him a ticket home.
"You go home just yet, the money I gave to 2-year contract, ye susui your son in full for 2 years and if you return to work you contact igin this phone at the same time I will send money for tickets for departure."
"Subhanallah, what Mother does nothing I live?" The employer's time was just shaking my head that what you live more rewarding than taking care of me.
After the maid returned, changing employer outside of the can. His thoughts became focused on healing and his heart became very glad because it can help people who are trouble.
His days are no longer thought of the illness again, only a sense of happy. A month later he had returned to hospital to control. Doctors who take care of detailed inspection immediately. But what happens?
Doctors who handle the beginning do not see any such disease diagnosis earlier. He did not see any blood cancer diseases of his patients suffered. The doctor was amazed at how could be as terrible as and as soon as it can be cured of his illness, let alone a blood cancer. What's been going wrong diagnosis?
Finally the doctor then asked, what was in fact done by patients.
The woman then replied, "I didn't do anything with my pain, possible alms which I have done to my maid has help me recover, in fact after I helped my heart to become more passionate to recover and live, I have a maid who is breastfeeding her child but that milk can not be transmitted and must be disposed of in the shower."
I cried when recalling the situation will be, finally I got home helpers in order to channel the water sususnya and he's healthy and his son could also be healthy. Perhaps with that finally cured my pain doctor.
The doctor then finally realized, that the diagnosis and any pain can be cured because God Almighty indeed asks for it, "Heal the sick with the alms."
The hadeeth about the charity:
Giving charity is equivalent to ten, giving debt (without interest) is equivalent to eighteen, connect yourself with comrades reward of twenty and hospitality (with family) is equivalent to twenty-four. (Narrated By Al Hakim)
Who can resist the destiny is prayer and can prolong i.e. virtues (meritorious service). (Ath-Thahawi)
When Adam died was buried from his reward unless three things namely charity, teaching and the dissemination of knowledge on make use of him to others, and the children (either male or female) who pray for him. (Narrated By Muslim)
God exalted Al said (in the hadeeth Qudsi): "O son of Adam, berinfaklah (which is your right living), I give unto you a living." (Narrated By Muslim)
The person who lobbies for help (help) for the widows and the poor like a Jihad in the way of God is like a person and night prayers. He didn't feel tired and he also like people to fast which never break. (Narrated By Bukhari)
A friend asked the Prophet, "Alms are how the greatest reward?" The Prophet replied, "when you give out charity be healthy and in conditions of a cheapskate (curb) and when you fear destitute but expect rich. Don't be postponed so that the spirit of you in your new throat said to Fulan umpteen and for umpteen Fulan. " (Narrated By Bukhari)
Whoever wants his prayer answered and exempt from hardship should he overcome adversity (completed) others. (Narrated By Ahmad)
Keep yourselves from the fire of hell though only by (alms) grain dates. (Mutafaq'alaih)
Lower (Beckham) eat (of God) with the alms. (Narrated By Al-Bayhaqi)
Pick up the sustenance
protect your treasure with charity, heal the sick (of you) with bersodaqoh and prepare to face the oncoming disaster prayer. (Narrated By Al-Tabaraani Ath-)
Repellent bad things/cure disease
No gifts with good except God kept the continuity of his legacy. (Narrated By Ahmad)
Shade for a believer on judgment day is his alms. (Narrated By Ahmad)
Every muslim is obligated to give out charity. The companions asked, "what if he doesn't have anything?" The Prophet replied, "working with skills for the benefit of his hand for him and then giving charity." They asked again. What if he can't afford? " The Prophet replied: "Helping people in need is being harmed," they asked: "what if he didn't do it?" The Prophet replied: "Told to do with it." They asked: "what if he didn't do it?" The Prophet replied, "Prevent ourselves from doing evil that alms." (Narrated by Al-bukhaari and Muslim)
What you spend with the aim also of God will be rewarded even though only sesuap food into the mouth of your wife. (Narrated By Bukhari)
Most charity afdhol prayer is granted to close family who acted hostile. (Narrated by Al-Tabaraani and Ath-Abu Dawood)
One dirham spur and preceding one hundred thousand dirhams. The companions asked, "How was that?" The Prophet said, "one has (only) two dirhams. He took one silver and gifts with him, and the other has a lot of possessions, he took a hundred thousand dirhams for his gave out charity. (Narrated by Al-Nasaa'i)
People who cancel the grant (or request) sodaqohnya like dogs who fed back the vomit. (Narrated By Bukhari)
Whoever is given the God of wealth and did not fulfil Zakat on the day of Resurrection he will be overshadowed by a one-eyed snake in the middle and have two tongue wrapped around him. The snake was the second gripping jaw and said, "I am your treasure, I thy mistress inheritance." Then the Prophet reading God's Word Letter Ali Imran verse 180: "and let not those who covetously which God gave to them of the gift that it is good for their miserliness. In fact it's bad for their miserliness. Treasure them griping that kan will be draped around his neck, later in the day of judgement. And God is all legacy (that is) in the heavens and on Earth. " (Narrated By Bukhari)
There is no one the House refuse zakat but God afflicts them with famine (long drought and crop failures). (Narrated By Al-Tabaraani Ath-)
May be useful and may be taken on the wisdom of his ... Please share to another ...
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