Sunday, July 3, 2016

Inspiring Story for the Women The Price of a Beauty

Now this is being lively rampant the emancipation of women, especially among teenagers. They seem to try to show off their body shape, Dent-Dent, and even shows the thing that should not be seen. Seems a shame that was missing in their souls. They do not feel embarrassed with what it does it, as if they are walking without sin on this earth.

Inspiring Story for the Women The Price of a Beauty

The woman is like a jewelry world, if it isn't able to keep and maintain the jewelry, a jewelry no longer has an expensive price and value. But it has a low price and even free any to be had, if not able to maintain and keep the jewelry. There are people who suggest that women like a cucumber which is very sensitive. If can't keep himself from durian which has a body that is hard and sharp, then the durian will hurt himself. But a cucumber are expensive and valuable is the cucumber is good, nice and dog. Right now, no longer the durian approaching but indeed a cucumber it's closer to a durian. They are not conscious that he will hurt and make the price be falls.

Right now, a view like that commonplace in our everyday lives. Starting from the artist to use clothing that only cover the vital parts of the course, both when cold or hot. It's like, it's been ingrained for them, to go to the small villages. Even areas that used to be famous for its customs and traditions that were obedient, now an area equal to the areas that absorb ailments Baratnisasi at this time. They are unaware that a photograph showing the body shape and body beauty alone will make the sins of all the people who saw the photo. Let alone be seen by thousands even millions of people? How many sins we invest every day cause it?

If someone endowments for the benefit of the people. If she has died, then the reward will continue to flow to him. For what he gave was utilized for the greater good. Although the person has died is equivalent to keep flowing to him. It is a good reward for his stock investments in the hereafter.

Then the sexy style photos, if still views and became a spectacle of a lot of people, then the perpetrators will continue to get a steady flow of sin even though the perpetrators have died.

Truly a good person it's not just the look of her beauty but from the light comes from within him. The light that is always ablution water drenching members of his body and make light of it's immortal.

Many of us look at a few stores, shopping centers, banks, and so on. They chose that employees in terms of beauty and shape her body only, nothing more. Cleverness and intelligence is number two after beauty. They willingly sacrifice all-out spending hundreds of millions every month, just to buy the tools that make it still look beautiful and attractive in front of many people. We just look at many flight attendants and employees in public banks that use the service department employees are strictly from their clothes.

The goal, not only to attract the attention and sympathy of many people to visit and come to the venue. Just imagine, we are told to use and run commands are not good from a supervisor or boss from the place of work. Of the thousands of employees who have signed up to specific companies, only a few people were taken and it was selected from her first. Although as powerful as any, although as clever as any person who is registered, if the face and the shape of his body is not as expected, then she will not be able to work at the venue.

After their work, the salary that they use it for that matter of the price of their beauty, not more. Even after the count the salary they receive is not commensurate with what they eject. To buy its cosmetics tools alone is half of his salary a month. Moreover, the cost of transportation on a daily basis and the cost of meals and other expenses. Don't ever feel would benefit from things that do not comply with the provisions of Islam itself. In fact, yourself who will bear the risk of all of these.

O women, you are the best jewelry in this world and each you will always be required by any other circles. Don't just rely on the sheer beauty. Because of that beauty is only relative, depending on the people who see it. All of that wouldn't be immortal. After you eat, will be felt not like youth-youth again.

Let us always keep yourself and covering the ' Awrah, wherever we are. Do not be tempted by the millions of money provided, because it just made themselves fell into the hole and the Valley of sin. In fact, When asked to every man masher though, they definitely want a woman who is still clean, original and yet distortion at all. Even thugs posing as every woman wants, say such a thing. Do you still not believe in facts and phrases every man in this world? It's all up to you. Most importantly, we remind each other each other. Surely the Congregation go to heaven better than on its own.

Are we just going to sell beauty to people with low or high prices that depend on ourselves. Be a Pearl in a storefront or a glass that looks beautiful but could not be held and touched just anyone. And only certain people and those who are lucky will get his.

Let your jewelry on the go who touched and held by anyone who will buy it. Despite not having any money though, they can hold and touch it.

Source: http://www.dakwatuna. com/2014/04/30/50569/

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